How To Use Swing Align

Put The Device On

  1. Remove from the box, it comes assembled and ready to use!
  2. Slide each arm into a cuff opening
  3. Position the cuffs just above your biceps with the rod level across your chest
  4. You can adjust your arm spacing using the notched rod

a. First detach the belt from one cuff post

b. Slide the thick o-ring to a different notch on the rod

c. Push the cuff against the o-ring and reattach the belt

Getting Started

  • At setup the front of the rod points slightly up perpendicular to your spine
  • Lightly squeeze your arms together to feel the insides of the cuffs
  • Take a few slow practice swings to get used to wearing the device
  • Start with three quarter swings then work up to a full swing and hitting balls
  • The cuffs will loosely hold the device in place during your swing

FULL SHOT: Set Up and Rehearse

  1. The rod shows where your shoulders and upper body are aimed
  2. Put an alignment rod on the ground and look down to align upper and lower body
  3. Start with a slow practice swing stopping at the key positions (below in the FULL SHOT section)
  4. Proceed to full speed practice swings and hitting balls
  5. You can hit any shot while wearing Swing Align

FULL SHOT: Takeaway - Top - Halfway Down - Impact - Finish Positions

  1. Take the club away by turning your lead shoulder down, the body leads and arms follow
  2. Club at parallel with the ground your trail arm is higher, the front of rod is pointing down
  3. At the top of your swing the rod levels out
  4. Starting the downswing the rod drops down but stays level as your weight shifts forward
  5. Half way down your trail arm works under your lead arm to shallow the club
  6. At impact the rod is pointing up and slightly open (left of your target for RH golfer)
  7. Finish your swing in a balanced position with the front of the rod pointing up to stay in posture


  1. At setup, the rod is closer to level vs a full swing where the front points up
  2. The rod shows where your upper body is aligned
  3. Use your body to move the triangle formed by your arms and the rod to move the club
  4. Rotate around your spine with the club staying in front of the rod
  5. Keep the triangle intact during the stroke


  1. At setup, the rod is closer to level vs a full swing where the front points up
  2. The rod shows where your upper body is aligned
  3. Rock your shoulders to move the triangle formed by your arms and the rod to move the putter
  4. The putter shaft stays perpendicular to the rod during the stroke
  5. Wear Swing Align between your knees to stabilize your lower body (a trait of all good putters)